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- itbrush is One and only in the world- Hand made toothbrush- Developed by Dentists- Unique itemItbrush(M3)-Rotated toothbrushRotated brush-headBrush your front, side, and inner teeth with an up-and-down motion easily and efficiently.Tilted brush-headThe itbrush tilts in the T-shape to give you the best brushing angle for the most comfortable brushing experience.When the toothbrush head is 90° brushing are easy.(When the handle and the toothbrush head are straight)When the toothbrush head are rotated angle less than 90°, tooth brushing effect decreases. Also, you can not use the up and down motion. Therefore, when turning the T-shape, the angle of the toothbrush head and the handle is bent to about 110°, maximizing the tooth brushing effect.

